Article V

Section 1. STANDING COMMITTEES. The following standing committees may be appointed by the VISHWA SINDHI SEVA SANGAM “CENTER” president, with the exception of chairperson positions that serve on the Board of Directors, which would require election. Additional committees may be established as determined by the VISHWA SINDHI SEVA SANGAM’s Board of Directors.
(a) GLOBAL ACTION TEAM. Chaired by the VISHWA SINDHI SEVA SANGAM “CENTER” president and includes the VISHWA SINDHI SEVA SANGAM “CENTER”  first vice president (serving as the leadership chairperson), the VISHWA SINDHI SEVA SANGAM “CENTER” membership chairperson and the VISHWA SINDHI SEVA SANGAM “CENTER” service chairperson. With the support of the board of directors, develops and initiates a coordinated plan to expand humanitarian service, achieve membership growth,
Revised June 28, 2018 Page 24
and develop future leaders. Meets regularly with VISHWA SINDHI SEVA SANGAM “CENTER” members to discuss the progress of the plan and initiatives that may support the plan. Collaborates with members of the district Global Action Team to learn about initiatives and best practices. Shares activities, achievements and challenges with members of the Global Action Team. Attends the District Governor Advisory Committee meeting and other zone, region, district or multiple district meetings that feature service, membership or leadership initiatives to exchange ideas and gain knowledge that may be applied to VISHWA SINDHI SEVA SANGAM “CENTER” practices.
(b) CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS COMMITTEE. Interprets the VISHWA SINDHI SEVA SANGAM “CENTER”  constitution and by-laws and may be charged with facilitating changes in accordance with amendment procedures.
(c) FINANCE COMMITTEE. Chaired by the VISHWA SINDHI SEVA SANGAM “CENTER” treasurer to establish a detailed budget for the approval of the VISHWA SINDHI SEVA SANGAM’s board of directors, ensure proper documentation and authorization of funds, arrange for the annual audit of VISHWA SINDHI SEVA SANGAM “CENTER” accounts, and ensure the delivery of all financial information to the successor committee.
(d) MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE. Chaired by the membership chairperson to ensure membership growth by reaching new markets, actively recruiting members and ensuring member satisfaction. This committee also verifies the qualifications of potential members who are considered by the VISHWA SINDHI SEVA SANGAM’s Board of Directors and noted in item Article III, section 2, of the VISHWA SINDHI SEVA SANGAM “CENTER” Constitution. The membership committee should include last year’s membership chairperson, vice membership chairperson and any VISHWA SINDHI SEVA SANGAM “CENTER” members interested in new member recruitment and/or member satisfaction.
(e) MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE. Chaired by the marketing communications chairperson to ensure effective internal and external communication, reshape public opinion and improve visibility of the VISHWA SINDHI SEVA SANGAM’s activities in the community.
(f) SERVICE COMMITTEE. Chaired by the VISHWA SINDHI SEVA SANGAM “CENTER” service chairperson. Assists in developing service goals and action plans, identifying potential projects, guiding project planning and implementation and involving VISHWA SINDHI SEVA SANGAM “CENTER” members in meaningful service. Coordinates and ensures the effective leadership of service projects relating to the global service framework by supporting chairpersons assigned to each VISHWA SINDHI SEVA SANGAM “CENTER” service initiative. This committee may also be responsible for applying for relevant LCIF grants and developing community partnerships as approved by the VISHWA SINDHI SEVA SANGAM’s board of directors.
(g) INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE. Assists members by providing access and/or support to online tools and communication as needed. May also provide support and/or serve as the VISHWA SINDHI SEVA SANGAM “CENTER” webmaster.
(h) LEADERSHIP COMMITTEE. Chaired by the first vice president. Notifies VISHWA SINDHI SEVA SANGAM “CENTER” members of training opportunities offered by the district, multiple district and VISHWA SINDHI SEVA SANGAM “CENTER”  International as well as non-Lion member of VISHWA SINDHI SEVA SANGAM “CENTER” programs that could benefit VISHWA SINDHI SEVA SANGAM “CENTER” members.

Section 2. SPECIAL COMMITTEES. From time to time, the president may appoint, with the approval of the board of directors, such special committees as may be necessary in his/her judgment or the judgment of the board of directors.
Section 3. PRESIDENT EX-OFFICIO. The president shall be an ex-officio member of all committees.
Section 4. COMMITTEE REPORTING. Each committee, through its chairperson, should be encouraged as necessary to report, either verbally or in writing, each month to the board of directors.